Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Loading The Hip Pitching

Loading the hip is the step that determines whether you will be solely dependent on your arm strength for power, or whether you will fully involve your entire body.

Leading with your hamstring muscle and knee, lift your leg as you rotate your hips fully to the power side. (hip facing batter) The amount of load one can achieve at this point is different per player. The key is not to sacrifice balance or posture. Keep the power leg (leg on mound rubber)bent with the back straight and chin, shoulder and lead hip all pointing at the target.

Some important things to understand when lifting the leg. Think about leading with the knee and hamstring together, rather then lifting with the foot. Don't let foot swing out, as this will detract from balance and power. The thigh and shoe should be parallel to the batter.

Pitching is a very complex position, but with good practice and lots of drills one can have a positive experience.

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